community publishing
2,710,894 articles read in the last 30 days

About Us

Thanks for your interest in the p.ublished 'open source news service'.

P.ublished.com is the coordinating body for a number of online publications: the newspapers - Yorkshire Times, Lancashire Times, Cumbria Times, North East Post, the arts magazine, Chimeo, and our Poetry for Children magazine called dirigibleballoon.org.

These publications are all tied together by a shared set of principles; they are community based, non commercial, don't carry advertising, don't drop cookies and don't track their readers.

From an editorial standpoint, we try as hard as possible to be fair, honest and decent. Tricky aspirations - but we do our best!

Work With Us

We are delighted that our first newspaper - The Yorkshire Times - has been so successful and our other newspapers are growing so rapidly. We have over 100,000 regular readers, tens of thousands of Twitter followers, we show over 2M pages every month, and we have over 370 writers and 7 editors.

We have a number of vacancies and would appreciate hearing from you if you feel you have something to offer in any of these areas:

* Social Media Manager

* Sports Page Correspondent

* Nature Page Editor

* Political Correspondent

* Arts Correspondent

Contact Us

Feel free to email at any time: editor@p.ublished.com is by far the best address to use. It is constantly monitored and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sponsor Us

As you will see from any of our titles, we do not advertise, we do not collect information through tracking cookies, in fact we don't use cookies at all. Most major websites in our position would sell their tracking information to hundreds (yes hundreds!) of different advertising agencies worldwide.

Our opportunities to make money from our titles are therefore limited. But, that's not our objective. That's not why we all work hard to provide a few high quality, honest, decent newspapers and magazines.

Just take a look through the various pages of our titles and you'll see how we acknowledge our sponsors. Their funding helps us to keep training people, adding writers, paying for running servers and the usual day to day costs of a successful website.

Sponsorship is our preferred way to cover our costs as it allows businesses to show their commitment to the community without constantly forcing themselves in front of readers. We believe this is perceived as a more genuine and therefore more effective form of promotion.